EXIT INTERVIEW: Sophie Carmen-Jones Prepares To Say Goodbye To Nini in MOULIN ROUGE!


Pepe Muñoz & Sophie Carmen Jones | Photo by Evan Zimmerman/MurphyMade

Kobi Kassal
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January 24, 2025 3:55 PM

It’s just like HR, but the fun kind! Before Sophie Carmen-Jones takes her final bow as Nine in Moulin Rouge! this Sunday, I caught up with her to reflect on the past few years in the role. She began as the original Nini in the West End company, and now she's ready to say goodbye. 

Our conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.

Theatrely: When you think about closing up your time with Moulin Rouge! in a few days, what emotions come to mind?

Sophie: Oh gosh all the feels! I have the best memories in this show. I think there might be a lot of tears from me on Sunday!

Would love to walk down memory lane for a moment, you opened the original West End company! What would you say has been the biggest difference between performing the show over there vs. here on Broadway?

So many little things are different between West End and Broadway, like company warm ups…they don’t happen here and I kind of miss that moment to check in with everyone. Another big difference is the interchanging cast here, in London it’s usually the same cast for 1 year but here you could watch every couple months and see a totally different cast each time.

When you found out you were going to be joining the Broadway company, what was that feeling like?

As good as winning the lottery I’d say! Not that I’ve won the lottery…that would be nice too ;)

You have been with the show now for a few years, do you feel you are ready to say goodbye to Nini?

Gosh that’s a tough question because I love playing her SO much. But I think as actors we have to stay curious and stretch ourselves in order to continue growing so this felt like the right time to fly the nest.

What will you miss most about your time at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre?

The people!! I’ve made so many wonderful friends there, I’ll miss laughing with them every day. But we always say in theatre…it’s never goodbye it’s see you later!

Do you have one specific memory throughout your time with moulin Rouge! that you will always remember?

I think the first preview in London was a big one for me. That first time in front of an audience feeling is exhilarating (and petrifying) and we’d been rehearsing and tech-ing for months so we were ready and raring, and the cast was on fire! Also my Broadway debut…that’s a night I’ll never forget, my fiancé and some of my best friends were here supporting and it felt like such a huge achievement :)

What advice do you have for future Nini’s?

Always warm up thoroughly and strength train outside of the show to avoid injury.  Oh and stay playful, keep having fun!

What is the biggest thing Moulin Rouge! has taught you that you will bring to your next contract or show?

That being committed and consistent pays off and doesn’t go unnoticed. Stay that way.

If you could sum up your entire experience in one word, what would that be?


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Kobi Kassal

Hailing from sunny South Florida, Kobi Kassal founded Theatrely (formerly Theatre Talk Boston) while attending Boston University. He is an avid theatre attender and can be found seeing a performance most nights of the week (in normal times!) He is interested in the cross section of theatre, popular culture, hospitality, and politics. He also loves a good bagel!

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